
I have been using SONY VAIO laptop for a long time,

but, unfortunately, the hardware requirements are increasing from year to year! So my laptop started to freeze quite often and the only thing that could be done was this is to press the "great and mighty" RESET, well, or, on the power off button. Having rummaged in the system monitor, I noticed that the RAM is engaged in 100 percent and the operating system creates a swap file. As you know, the paging file is located on the hard disk, which is several times slower than RAM. My computer had two strips of memory, one 2GB and the other 4GB. So I had to replace 2GB with 8GB, which in the end gave me 12GB and the opportunity to calmly work with large video files. Replacement takes no more than 10 minutes and everyone can do it!

That's all for now, follow my publications on and on Youtube.
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